history in the making
worms recycling food waste

Worms at Work, Recycling Food Waste

Households, schools and businesses can all vermicompost USDA – Over one-third of all available food goes uneaten through loss or waste and vermicomposting, or worm composting, turns food scraps into a beneficial soil amendment that can be used in home gardens, landscaping, turfgrass, farms and more.Composting keeps

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Week 2: Vermicomposting

Earth Month 2024 – Week 2: Vermicomposting As we begin the second week of Earth Day activities, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport invites you to participate in our WEEK 2 Activity Lesson – Circular Economy: Composting OR download the At-Home Instructions and Supply List:Learn about: Composting is

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crescent suns

How to Use Your Smartphone to Shoot a Solar Eclipse

Photo by Anthony Sanchez How to capture the totally-eclipsed Sun with your phone Sky & Telescope – Many first-time eclipse watchers won’t be able to resist the temptation of trying to capture the rarest of photo ops: a solar eclipse.Using a smartphone to shoot an eclipse

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eclipse colorized

View the NASA Eclipses Gallery

On April 8, 2024, millions will view a total solar eclipse NASA – An eclipse is an awe-inspiring celestial event that drastically changes the appearance of the two biggest objects we see in our sky: our Sun and Moon. On Earth, people can experience solar eclipses

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total solar eclipse

Week 1: Total Solar Eclipse

Earth Month 2024 – Week 1: Total Solar Eclipse As Dallas Fort Worth International Airport begins a full month of Earth Day activities, we invite you to participate in our WEEK 2 Activity Lesson – Total Solar Eclipse OR download the At-Home Instructions and Supply List:Learn about:

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earth hour

Give an Hour for Earth

Explore ways to give an hour for Earth World Wildlife Fund – Every year for Earth Hour, millions of people around the world unite to show that they care about the future of our planet. Regardless of your interests – whether it’s food, fitness, the arts,

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Celebrate Manatee Appreciation Day

Raising awareness about these ‘sea cows’ that live under the water Visit Florida – Manatee Appreciation Day is a day to appreciate the endangered species Trichechus manatus latirostris – the Florida manatee – and remind people about the importance of saving their habitat. Manatees are aquatic

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international day of action for rivers

Celebrate International Day of Action for Rivers

Water for Life, and NOT for Profit! International Rivers – The International Day of Action for Rivers is a day dedicated to solidarity, when diverse communities worldwide come together with one voice to affirm that rivers are vital and need our protection.Highlighting how critical access to

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the big plastic count

The Big Plastic Count

It’s hard not to feel guilty about the price our planet pays for plastic The Big Plastic Count – When most affordable products come with plastic packaging, are we as consumers really in control Well, it’s time to get serious about tackling the plastic crisis. You

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How to Prepare for Spring Weather

When severe Spring weather hits unexpectedly, preparation is key National Center for Environmental Health – Because spring weather is so unpredictable, prepare for storms, floods, and tornadoes as if you know in advance they are coming, because they very likely will.When severe weather hits unexpectedly, the

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