history in the making
land and soil

How to combat soil degradation

Land is also home to much of the world’s biodiversity United Nations – Land plays a key role in the climate system as an essential carbon sink because its surfaces, such as forests, regulate the planet’s temperature and help to store carbon. Unfortunately, up to 40%

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Overfishing: The most serious threat to our oceans

Overfishing is a serious threat to biodiversity and potential marine food supply Environmental Defense Fund – Depleting fisheries faster than they can replenish endangers key species in oceanic food chains, which can lead to the system’s collapse. Our poor understanding of the ocean’s complex ecosystems makes

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honey bees

The truth about honey bees

What is happening to the world’s bees? National Wildlife Federation – There are more honey bees on the planet today than at any time in history but North America’s native bees, on the other hand, are in trouble.Unlike honey bees, more than 90 percent of our

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Plastic Free July

Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste Plastic Free July – Plastic Free July encourages people to make a small change that will collectively make a massive difference to our communities – reduce single-use plastic waste everyday at home, work, and school.A global movement that

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World Rainforest Day

For a future with standing rainforests on a thriving planet World Rainforest Day – World Rainforest Day celebrates the importance of healthy, standing rainforests for climate, biodiversity, culture, and livelihoods, and convenes a global movement to protect and restore them.It is estimated that the Amazon Rainforest

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World Crocodile Day Snaps!

Embracing the mighty reptile Earth.com – An occasion that is dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about one of the world’s most formidable reptiles, World Croc Day isn’t just for herpetologists or wildlife enthusiasts. It’s for everyone!Crocodiles are fascinating reptiles that inhabit diverse regions worldwide, highlighting

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wind farm

Celebrate the power of wind during Global Wind Day

Discover the power of wind energy! Global Wind Day – A worldwide event that occurs annually on June 15, Global Wind Day is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged, and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power, and the

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plastic pollution

The World’s Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained

Much of the planet is swimming in discarded plastic National Geographic – Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them.Millions of tons of plastic waste are dumped

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food waste

Food Waste and Loss

One of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime Earth.org – It’s undeniable that food waste is an issue not just prevalent in the rich, developed nations, but occurring in all parts of the world. But what exactly is food waste and how much food is

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world environment day 2024

Celebrate World Environment Day 2024

Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience World Environment Day 2024 – Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually since 1973, World Environment Day has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach, celebrated by millions of people across the world.Land

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