2025 Earth Day

Welcome to DFW Airport Earth Month 2025!

April 1-30, 2025


What’s the connection between wildfires and climate change?

As global temperatures rise, wildfires are getting more frequent and intense. Yale Climate Connections – The rise in average global temperatures has led to higher spring and summer temperatures, causing soils to dry out earlier and remain dry longer and contributing to more and bigger wildfires

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What is International Animal Rights Day?

Why are animal sentience laws important? World Animal Protection – International Animal Rights Day is a call to action urging everyone to rethink their attitudes toward animals and build a more compassionate society.An annual event honoring animals as sentient beings who deserve the same protections as

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Caring for Soils to Secure Our Future

“Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage” Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.S. – Celebrated annually, World Soil Day underscores the importance of standardized soil data and supporting informed decision-making on sustainable soil management for food security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.Soil is more than

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lowland gorilla

Celebrate World Wildlife Conservation Day

Protecting Our Endangered Species Discovery – World Wildlife Day reminds us of the urgent need to step up the fight against wildlife crime and human-induced reduction of species, which have wide-ranging economic, environmental and social impacts.People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet our

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Celebrate World Fisheries Day

Bringing awareness to the need for sustainable fishing practices and measures Food and Agriculture Organization of U.S. – World Fisheries Day highlights the importance of sustainable stocks of fisheries in the world and make a true difference in working conditions for the community. Today, aquatic systems

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toilet bowl

How to Reduce a Home’s Water Use

Flush Facts for Residential Toilets Environmental Protection Agency – Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30-percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption.By replacing old, inefficient toilets, the average family can reduce water used for toilets

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How methane emissions threaten climate goals

Why controlling methane emissions is so important. Reuters – Over the last five years atmospheric methane levels have risen at their fastest rate since record-keeping began in the 1970s, driven in part by natural sources, and fast-rising methane emissions could undermine efforts to limit global warming

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The Dangers of Over-Fertilizing Your Garden

How to avoid over-fertilizing to protect yourself, your garden, and the environment Your House Your Garden – Fertilizers are a crucial part of gardening because it gives plants the nutrition they need to develop into robust, healthy plants but too much fertilizer in the soil can

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shredded paper

Going Paperless help the Environment

Join the Paperless Revolution! Vizitor – Transitioning to a paperless environment is a powerful way to protect our planet for future generations involving replacing paper-based documents with digital formats, contributing to a more sustainable future.Protecting our environment is a shared responsibility, contributing to a more sustainable

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the black sea

The Black Sea is at an environmental crossroads

The Black Sea has a rich cultural and natural heritage World Wildlife Fund – The Black Sea and its surrounding areas are marked by majestic scenery and a rich cultural and natural heritage. The region’s waters, coastlines, flooplains and mountains are home to an incredibly diverse

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