2025 Earth Day

Welcome to DFW Airport Earth Month 2025!

April 1-30, 2025

2025 Activity Lesson – All Grade Levels

Stormwater Infiltration for Flood Prevention

urban flooding
Vital to managing excess overflow in urban areas during rain events, stormwater infiltration systems manage and capture stormwater runoff, filter out pollutants, and refresh groundwater supplies.
Learn about:
  • How different soil types influence water infiltration.
  • Infiltration drainage system functionality and how it manages runoff generated during rain events.
Kit will include:
  • Materials to build a soil column to observe how stormwater moves through the soil. The column soil structure has good water penetration, drainage, and aeration.
This kit will support one class, size 20-30 students.

Additional Resources

Stormwater BMP: Infiltration Practices Explained
Infiltration Basins: Friends of the Reedy River
Earth Day 2025

STEAM Activity Lessons

solar cells

Build a Solar-Powered Car

It’s amazing the things that can be powered by solar energy, including solar-powered vehicles. Explore how alternative power sources can be used in transportation!
urban flooding

Stormwater Infiltration

Vital to managing excess overflow in urban areas during rain events, stormwater infiltration systems manage and capture stormwater runoff, filter out pollutants, and refresh groundwater supplies.

DIY Weather Station

Dive headfirst into the fascinating science of meteorology, transforming your classroom into a bustling mini-meteorological lab where you can become a weather forecaster, all through the act of data collection!
wind turbine farm

Constructing a Wind Turbine

Wind power is one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world and this project teaches engineering and modeling to demonstrate concepts such as energy transformation and blade efficiencies. Get ready to be blown away!